Favourite Worst Nightmare

Favourite Worst Nightmare


She was so cool. She was so cool because she was so uncool. She was unconventionally cool. Like early 2000s brit-kid cool. She wore her clothes like she didn't know what she was doing. You'd look at her and think 'what was she thinking when she threw that on?', but if you'd look at her for a moment, I mean really look at her, you'd notice that every piece of clothing was specifically picked from her closet to put together that one outfit she was wearing. She had skater snickers with unmatched colored shoelaces. Chipped black nails. Her hair was all over the place, black dyed except for the hair from the back of her head that was dyed in a graduated red to yellow color that made it look like it was on fire when she head-banged. Bright green eyes framed by thick black eyeliner.

And she smoked in a way that made her look so cool but she didn't do it to look cool, she just did it: she would let the cigarette hang from her perfect lips. Her lips, a faded pink and dried. Chopped and torn. Ripped off, blooded and scarred. She had a silver ring piercing in the far left side of her bottom lip, very close to her commissure. I wanted her lips so bad.

I saw her for the first time in a bar. Well, it was technically a pub, but I still can't tell the difference. Her band was playing Arctic Monkeys' covers. She sang. She looked like a boy to me at first; a very girly boy with waist-long hair because she was dancing around to "The View from the Afternoon". She was wearing a black tight jean with a torn knee, a red, white and black stripped long-sleeve shirt with a hole in her right sleeve that wasn't supposed to be there and she had stuck her thumb in. Above it, a black t-shirt that read 'I AM MY OWN HERO' on the front written in her own handwriting, I guessed. And of course: her unmatched-shoelaces snickers.

But when she started singing… When I saw her face, I swear to God... I fell in love.

Emily Blame,
July, 21st, 2015.

If you're listening to this... you're the Resistance.-

*End Of Transmission*

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