"Too Weird To Live; Too Rare To Die!" - Album Review (2.0)

ever since "Death Of A Bachelor" came out (BEST.ALBUM.FUCKING.EVER) i've been on a P!ATD spree (yes, i'm aware it's been three monts already, sue me... i'm still obesessed, that's how firetrucking good it is), and i decided to give "Too Weird To Live; Too Rare To Die!" a second chance... because last time i listened to it, i pretty much almost killed myself: that's how much i hated it... and, i don't need an excuse! besides, it's Brendon's birthday (?)

i really, really enjoy the cover... not that it matters, but.
hate the haircut, like the suit, love the man.

"This Is Gospel"

i still think special effects on Brendon's voice are totally uncalled for. BUT: the song ain't that bad; piano version is a thousand times better, but the studio version holds its own. i really like the lines "these words are knives and often leave scars" and "don't try to sleep through the end of the world and bury me alive/'cause I won't give up without a fight". to which i didn't pay attention before because i was too mad at the effects on Brendon's voice...

"Miss Jackson"

ou, em, gee, these lyrics! i just love how this girl broke him so bad. i mean, don't get me wrong, if i ever get to meet her (because daydreaming is still for free) i'd punch her in the tits, but... damn, the boy is broken. thank god for Sarah and her beautiful doe eyes for saving him <3
anywho! i said something about the video don't making sense, and i really didn't watch it again, but: who gives a shit if it doesn't make sense, this song's amazing!

"Vegas Lights"

oh, dear, i love these lyrics. this song doesn't sound particularly good on the album, because effects and shit (which by now i've stated several times, i don't like), but live... it's fucking awesome. i mean: "we're swimming with the sharks until we drown" -> I LOVE YOU, BRENDON URIE.

"Girl That You Love"

well, i obviously hated this song in 2013... i'd still do if it weren't Brendon. i mean, it's too electronic for me. lyrics again: i can hear your heart breaking, dude! he needs like twelve tequila shots and a tight hug.


i loved it then, i still love it now. this song... man, i'm speechless.


by now you should know i'm basically eating my words from the last post about this album; i regret nothing: i kinda like this song; i like the aproach of liking the person for who they are instead of for what their gender is. i said of the video: "i don't give a fuck who he was trying to pay a tribute to, it doesn't make sense with the song at all. and i saw parts of Brendon i really didn't want to.". i kinda still stand by that. i love Brenny to death, but, dude... no.

"Casual Affair"

i like the groove of this song and that high note in "atmospheee~re"... YES, PLEASE. lyric wise is kinda the cool counterpart of "Miss Jackson", i think.

"Far Too Young To Die"

again: waaaaaay too techno for me, or whatever the kids are calling it these days. but it's a cute song, it's a nice listen.

"Collar Full"

it's still the nice dancy song it was in 2013. meaning: i liked it then, i still like it now.

"The End Of All Things"

best. song. ever. well, you know... it's a ballad... with piano and Brendon... and piano... yeah, i love it.

so, overall: this album may not give the best first impression, but give it a chance, there's way more to it than what you first listen to. i'm starting to think maybe i shoulda cut Brendon some slack; or maybe i wasn't quite there yet to understand it, emotionally and shit like that, you know? anyway: if you didn't like this album before, give it a new listen, it's gona surprise you... who knows? you might even end up loving it.
i also said this: "i sincerely miss RyRo's lyrics. they were absolutely majestic. that guy had a gift for writing and he missed his chance for following Jon Fucking Walker out of the band and then getting abandoned by him. goddamn you, Ryan Ross! you should've stuck with Panic! At The Disco ¬¬". and i also still stand by it.

i'll leave you with this:

because this is THE best "This Is Gospel" version ever. oh, Brendon Boyd Urie, you talented man...

If you're listening to this... you're the Resistance.-

*End Of Transmission*

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