Notes From a Non Believer #13

You wanna know what else I don't believe in? Pushing people. I mean, some people desperately need some pushing, or at least a little pep talk, but I'm not talking about those kind of people here. I'm talking about people that just like to boss people around.
Pushers. Fucking pushers. Fucking people that get off  telling other people what to do. Not only is annoying but fucking disgusting. I hate those people. Why do you have to tell everybody what to do? What makes you so good that you think you can order people's lives the way you want? Like, seriously, I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I've got to do, whenever the fuck I want to do it. Not when you tell me to!
Some are even worse. Some not even order you to do stuff, they fucking guilt-trip you into doing things. Example:
Them: "When are you gonna do that thing we talked about?"
You: "I'll get around to do it later, maybe tomorrow"
Them: "Oh, but I thought we could get a hold of that tonight"
Yeah, what the hell is wrong with you?! I said I'd do it tomorrow at most! If you wanted it so bad for tonight why didn't you fucking said so from the begining?! Why are you trying to convince me it was my idea to do it for tonight if I was gonna do it for tomorrow in the first place?!
Other example, say you have plans for the day. A pusher would guilt-trip you into cancel everything to shit and stay at home or go do whatever the hell they wanted you to do. It's like they're absolutely sure you've nothing else going on in your life or nothing else better to do. Maybe you didn't have plans, maybe you just wanted to slack off all day, why not? Well,a pusher won't let you slack off, they can't handle it. Oh, trust me, they're gonna find something for you to do, you won't be able to binge that series like you wanted to. Sorry, pal.
You know what the worst part is? Pushers end up alone. Because nobody likes to be bossed around; and at some point, people are gonna get tired of your pushing and are gonna push you back into the mud... face down.
This is the thirteenth statement of a -very special- non believer: : I don't believe in pushing other people. Leave people alone, if they had to do something for you -and you asked them nicely and clear-, they'll get around to it. Just

If you're listening to this... you're the Resistance.-

*End Of Transmission*

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