Notes From a Non Believer #6

I'm sick of people saying they're gonna fo things and then they don't, and they're like: "oh! I forgot! I'm so sorry, I'll do it right away!", and they surprisingly forget to do it again...? I hate that it's so freaking obvious they're gonna let you down, but then again you try to think better of people and be all possitive like: "Nah, they're gonna get it done this time", and guess what? They do not!
It's like, fine! If you don't wanna do it, okay! I'm cool with it, you don't have to do this for me. But don't tell me you're going to and then don't...! Cuz it only makes me mad. I cannot just chase you around all day for you to do whatever small detail you had to do like sending an e-mail, or give you a number, or making a call for you. I'm serious, if you don't want to help me, it's alright. But just don't say you will and then you don't.
I mean, my particular case: okay. I'm trying to make this happen, I really am. But if you don't colaborate with me, then this is as far as I go. See ya later, alligator! I can't do this alone, and besides, it's not like I'm that excited about it, you pushed me into doing it in the first place, so...
This is the sixth statement of a -very special- non believer: don't leave to others what you can do yourself, and: stop thinking people will change for the better, cuz that really never happens... it just... it doesn't.


*End Of Transmission*

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