AHS 30 Days Challenge: Day 19

What Would You do if the Rubber Man was in Your House?
Probably have a fangirl moment and run towards him, jump five feet and wrap my arms around his neck -> wish I had a .gif for that...

Seconds later I'd remember he's a mass murderer and perhaps run to the opposite direction as fast as I can, just to get caught after two steps. I mean, I'm a fast runner, but I'm really short, and he's kinda tall and have long legs, so he'd probably catch me before I can even reach a door.
Or maybe he'd let me run a little bit, so I can get to the balcony and just throw myself five floors down and bash my head into the sidewalk spreading my lovely brains all over the street -> man, I wish I had a .gif for that too :/

Or maybe, in a rush of craziness and low sensible thinking, I'd remember this beautiful person's inside that suit and just surrender myself to him.

He'd smile at me, and I'd be like: "Here's my body, take my soul into eternity!".
I know I'm crazy, you don't have to say it outloud. Just so you know, I've lost it way before I watched American Horror Story.


*End Of Transmission*

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