was this really necessary? didn't we suffer enough already? like, seriously, what did they think was gonna happen? this is like divorced parents telling you "we have something very special planned two months from now! it involves Disneyland...!", and you're all like "family vacation? ou, em, gee! mom and dad are getting back together!", and then it turns out you're the only one going to Disney because your parents actually want to enjoy their solo life without you being in the middle 24/7. happy birthday, kids.

i can almost hear Gerard over the phone with the marketing team, like "for fucks sake, just tell them we ain't getting back together so they don't hassle me at SDCC... i don't have time for this shit". and Frank staring at his phone screen like "da fuhk they asking me for? i haven't talk to Gerard in four years. stupid my chem marketing team are ruining my Death Spells tour promo... Jamiaaaaaaaa, why is this happening to me?! haven't i suffered enough?!", we got you beau, we got you. Mikey just being emo as fuck 'cause he never quite got over it. and Ray just being his awesome self: unfazed.

i mean, wasn't it easier to just say: "hey guys! given TBP's 10th anniversary is coming up, we decided to keep taking your money after death and release a special edition with never before seen (or heard! hahaha, we're so funny) material, including two extra seconds of silence before the hidden track "Blood" and a (almost) 10-year-old sketch of the black parade Gerard did on toilet paper (limited edition only!). enjoy.
p.s.: we don't give a shit if TBP was released on October, we're gonna celebrate the 9 years and 11 months of its release because we're so fabulous... muah, muah, kiss, kiss, xoxo."

well fuck you. fuck you hard.

(oh, and in case you couldn't tell: yes, i'm angry. do i have the right? probably not. am i gonna still be mad? you fucking bet i will. stupid fucking fuckers. marketing fucking people playing with fan's fucking feelings, fucking mother fuckers dickfaces!)

If you're listening to this... you're the Resistance.-

*End Of Transmission*

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