"Death Of A Bachelor" - Album Review

first of all: this is my 700th post in the 'Music' tag on this blog, so... kudos to me! :D
now that that's outta the way, i'm gonna just jump into the track by track...


the melody is so fucking good i can't explain what it makes me feel. he hits all those notes that i'm pretty sure not many men in the World can. Brendon Fucking Urie. if he takes this on the road and plays it full band it's gonna rock SO-HARD (that's what she said), you know what i mean? like R5 does with "Heart Made Up On You". if he does something like that with this song i might have a heart attack listening to it live.

Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time

that bass riff. just... get the fuck out of here, you fucking beast! again, the melody is crazy. i really like when Brendon screams at me; when he hits those high notes only he (and Patrick Stump, obviously) can it's like... i can't even.


i really enjoy these lyrics, and i think the trumpets give a nice touch to the general background. also: that fucking run before the second pre-chorus. preach, Urie, PREACH!

Emperor's New Clothes

Brendon hitting high notes. i really don't need much more. i dig that acapella line, it was a neat touch.

Death Of A Bachelor

this song is so different from anything P!ATD ever released, but it fits nicely in the album, in my opinion. of course, Brendon can sing whatever genre he pleases, because he has an incredible voice and he's insanely talented. it's a nice song.


first thing that came to mind when i listened to this song was "Top Hats" (aka: "There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Though Of It Yet"). i love that song, and this song is really good: i honestly have nothing else to say, it's just a very, very good song.

LA Devotee

LA Devotee is a nice pop song. it's just the kind of song you'd sing along to driving down the road in the middle of the afternoon with the windows down and the wind hitting your face... you know? if i actually had a car. or could drive at all. anyway: the point is: it's a dancy, pop, sing-along song that you want to listen to when you're happy, or just to cheer you up. Brendon: nice change of key in the last chorus, you handsome man! ;)

Golden Days

power verses and pre-chorus. the chorus, on the other hand, sounded a little too Katy Perry to me. still: is Brendon screaming into my ears: keep it coming.

The Good, The Bad And The Dirty

starts off with acapella. nice. real nice. good chorus. good bridge. just good all over.

House Of Memories

piano: yes. he hits impossible notes again, just like in "Victorious", just because he can. i love this man so much. it's definitely a radio song, i would've released it as a single. i know nothing about the music biz, but i think it would've made the charts its bitch in hours. side note: i really like the sudden end.

Impossible Year

this song is just Brendon being Brendon. he made his Frank Sinatra dream happen. and he did gooooooooood. really. it's a very awesome ending to the album. i take my top-hat off.

ok. so, generally, the album is really good: both musically and lyrically. i think he out-done himself: he definitely did a much better job than with "Too Weird To Live; Too Rare To Die"... man, that album sucked balls.
in "Death Of A Bachelor", we can hear real instruments, for once; there's a little synth here and there, but it's really pleasing to the ears to listen to good old-fashioned guitar and bass riffs in most of the songs. also: barely no effects on Brendon's voice, which seemed to be a major trick on the last album, like he needed some help to sound good. i mean: what?! that man can sing whatever the fuck he wants: he has a huge vocal range and he's not afraid to take risks musically, and honestly: i'm just begging he takes this tour to Argentina (South America/Latinamerica/whatever) because i'm dying to listen to this songs live.
dude, i feel like a proud mom. i've been a fan of Panic! for over ten years. i've seen Brendon at his best and worse. "TWTL;TRTD" was a rough patch, but he made it through and proved he can make it on his own. my little boy has grown :')

If you're listening to this... you're the Resistance.-

*End Of Transmission*

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