Notes From a Non Believer #12

I ask you: what the fuck is wrong with people asking things vaguely. If you want something from someone just fucking ask for it. Specifically! Don't ramble around the subject like a dog looking for the perfect place to take a shit. You're not a dog, and I am certainly not the floor or grass or whatever. If you want something from me just fucking say it. Don't insinuate it. Don't try to make it "come from me" or whatever. It is simply NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I have something of yours I haven't returned? Maybe I forgot I had it! Fucking ask for it! Did I have to turn in a paper? Was it clear I had to? Because maybe you were too fucking vague about it and I didn't realize I had to! Fucking.Ask.For.Fucking.It.
And don't pretend you can justifiably be mad at me for not doing whatever the fuck you think I should've done for you on my own, because you so can't! If you didn't ask for how am I supposed to know I have to do it! For fucks sake! What? Am I supposed to guess or something? Am I supposed to just "know"... some-fucking-how?! It is complete, utter, bullshit.
So, this is the twelfth statement of a -very special- non believer: I don’t believe insinuating something counts as addressing to the subject. You want something from me? Just ask for it... bitch.

If you're listening to this... you're the Resistance.-

*End Of Transmission*

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