Notes From a Non Believer #8

What is up with people that are always looking down on other people? I mean, they're literaly waiting for you to fall on your face just to laugh at you and tell you how much of a failure you are. What the fuck?! Why should we put up with this shit?! Why do we at all?
Like, how are they better than us? I'm saying: I've been torn up by people who doesn't even work on my field. Like: what the fuck are you even doing here? Who invited you? Who are you to tell me I'm doing my job wrong? And the worst part is that in that moment you can't come up with a brilliant reply, cuz you know? You just never do. And then you self-hate yourself when you get home, and you beat yourself up about it. Not so much about the actual thing you failed at or what you did wrong, but the fact that people pointed out at you like you started the freaking Apocalypse.
And what's the point, right? Cuz it's already done. There's no turning back now. You screwed it. It's done. That's it. It's over, pal. So, fuck the jerks. Get up. Fix your make-up. And stop feeling sorry for yourself, cuz tomorrow's a new day, and you gotta face it like a winner. You gotta get out there with your head held high and big "fuck you" smile on your face, and just do the best you can. Whenever you are: at school; at work; at life.
This is the eighth statement of a -very special- non believer: you will fail once in a while. Everybody does. Don't be too hard on yourself and screw people who say you will never make it in whatever you're passionate about.


~ My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die. Because it is not a band- it is an idea. ~

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