The Man In The Suit

A man in a suit sat next to me in the bus. He smelled like a business man. He smelled like expensive perfume, cheap cologne, and cigarettes. 
He fell fast asleep and leant over to the next (empty) seat. All curved up, he looked like a big, recently unemployed, mess. I could've taken his phone (hanging from his belt) and looked over his case without him even noticing. What was so wrong in this business man life that he was passing out in a bus to particulary nowhere, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon? 
When he stood up to get off, I noticed his tie was ontop of his shirt neck and the noose was lose. 
Maybe he's been looking for a job. A job to replace the one he recently lost. Mostly because when he got off the bus he walked with his head down and really slow. Like nothing good was waiting for him where he was going. So I figured he was coming back to his concerned wife, who wasn't goint to be very happy about the fact that he still had no job but still refused to accept any help from his father. Damn his pride. The kids where coming to school any minute now, and he was gonna have to get out and fake being at work or come up with a really good excuse for not being at work. Maybe the eight-year-old would buy the lie. But the his daughter, his bright fourteen-year-old, adolescent, daughter wasn't. He knew she sensed something was up. Why was daddy getting up earlier than ever? Why her mother didn't smile no more? Why her dad's eyes always seemed to be thinkin about something else? 
Or maybe he was just a very tired business man, very unhappy with his job, but didn't dare to quit because it was a well-paid job; and at his age, finding a good position in a company was impossible. 
Or maybe none of the above: maybe he was just a sleepy business man that came out of work early because it was the CEO's birthday... 
Who knows! I don't know! He just sat next to me on the bus ride back home. 

The End. 


~ My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die. Because it is not a band- it is an idea. ~

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