"Thank You For The Venom" (My Chemical Romance FanFic) - Chapter 24

Ok. So, this fanfic is not mine. It's a fic I found a few years ago (like five or four years ago) in Quizilla® -I mean, back when Quizilla was quizilla.com and not .teenick.com-. It was written by user AuroraMist, who took it down, and I don't know why.
She wrote a lot of amazing fan fictions; she's a hell of a writer. But this is definitely my favourite from her, and it is for sure the best My Chemical Romance fan fiction I've ever read. And I've read quite a few. So, I thought I'd share it -again- with the World. Cuz it's awesome, and it deserves to be read.


Before I knew it, Frank was talking to Bert and not me. Well okay, I was kind of avoiding him and he was letting me. I was extremely upset about that; if it weren't for Bert, Frank would never have let me avoid him. But I was happy Frank and Bert were getting along well again.

They were reading a fan-fiction together on the couch when I came back from the commercial. I threw my coat on the back of a chair and stood in the doorway, watching them.
"Is that a fan-fic?" I asked.

"Yeah," Frank answered absently. "Someone sent it to Bert and he printed it."

"What's it about?" I asked, walking over to sit on the arm of the couch next to Bert, ruffling my hands through his hair.

"Me and Frank. Apparently we go to a dance school and are hot for each other."

"Is it any good?"

Bert wrinkled his nose. "No. They spelt 'hot' 'H-A-W-T' . And, according to this, Frank's taller than me and has a bigger penis."

I choked on nothing and tried to make how my eyes were bugging out less noticeable. "I'm going to change the subject now but, please, feel free to pick up from where you left off as soon as I've left." Bert smiled up at me and Frank simply kept on reading, a disgusted yet amused expression on his face.

"Have you two eaten yet?"

"Yep," they both grunted.

"Oh, I was going to cook us all something," I paused and glared at how they pretended to gag after I said this. "What did you eat?"

"Pizza," Bert informed me, pointing to the two boxes on the coffee table.

I walked over and opened the lids off of both of them. Figures, I thought, rolling my eyes. Nothing was left in either box. "I'm going to go lie in bed and watch TV," I told the room in general, just in case anyone/thing in it was listening.

"Oh. Do you want some company?" Bert asked, looking up. Frank's knuckles went white as he grasped the print out tighter.

"That's okay. But, if you want to later, you can join me." With that I left, wondering if Frank picked up that I meant he could join me too or not. Right now I'd prefer him to be snuggled in bed next to me rather than Bert. Not in a sexual way. I just want things to be back to normal between us again. Even if it was my fault things were the way they were.

If only there was something Frank could say that I could say back which would make everything alright.

"Carrie, c'mon, wake up." There was a pause. I squinted my eyes so that I could just barely see out of them and saw Frank standing unsurely in the doorway of my Mikey's bedroom where I was lying in bed. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe normally and pretended to be asleep like I had been for god knows how long now.

Okay, what the hell is he doing? I thought when I didn't hear him say anything else. Slowly, so it was hardly noticeable that it was happening, I opened my eyes slightly again. He was hesitantly coming over to me. I shut my eyes again and just in time too because, the next thing I knew, Frank's hand was on my shoulder, trying to rouse me.

"Carrie, Carrie, Carrie, Carrie," he repeated over and over, while gently shaking me. "Carrie, I know you're awake."

Liar, you know nothing. "No, I'm asleep and dreaming of washing Jude Law's naked back in a Jacuzzi full of champagne bubbles. Check back later and we'll probably be finished and paying the male hooker."

I opened one eye and saw Frank grinning at me. Almost fondly, like old times. I quickly closed the eye and let out a pretend snore which sounded more like a pig being anal probed. Poor thing.
I smiled into the pillow when I felt Frank's lips kissing the back of my neck. He always used to do that. "Carrie, you're a dork, but still I-"

But he pulled away abruptly and stood back up properly. stumbling backwards with eyes wide as if he's just been smacked on the back of the head. "Um, shit. I'm sorry."

Curiously, I propped myself up and looked at him. "What for?"

"For acting as if things are back to normal. I know you're mad at me, so-"

"Frank, I'm not mad at you."

"You've been acting as if you are," he muttered, scuffing his feet along the floor and staring at them. "Anyway, I just came in to tell you that they're back."

I opened my mouth to ask who but then I heard someone in the other room exclaiming, "Bert, stop! We can make out later," and I knew who were back. I grinned like a maniac and flung off my blanket.

"Gee-spot!" I shouted as I started walking for Gerard, where ever he was. Frank followed me, scowling.

"Carrie-bear!" Gerard shouted back as he forced himself on me and we fell back on a chair.

After awhile, someone coughed and a voice said, "Um yeah, hi. We're back too."

I looked over Gerard's shoulder, only to push him off when I saw Ray pouting at me. "I missed you all so much, gah!" I exclaimed as I hugged Mikey, Ray, Bob and Gerard over and over again.

I felt bad when Frank disappeared into his room, though. Our reunion hasn't been so enthusiastic. Bert had kind of ruined it, actually.

"What's wrong with him?" Mikey asked, looking at his friend's retreating back. Gerard and I exchanged a glance as an awkward silence fell. Mikey shrugged and turned to me again, "So, how much did you miss me?"

We spent the rest of the day as normal, lazing around and talking. It was kind of odd though when Gerard dragged off first Bert and then Frank, who'd returned soon after going to his bedroom, into the bathroom separately. They both came out after awhile and smiled at me nervously.

Okay, I thought, completely creeped out, what the hell is going on?

Gerard came out of the bathroom, grinning proudly. He winked at me before making his brother get out of 'his' chair and lying in it upside down. "So, what do we all want to do?"

There was a silence as we all tried to think of something interesting to do. Bob finally said, "We could go and see a movie."

"No, I'm too lazy," Gerard dismissed.

"Video games?" Bert suggested, eyeing the Playstation 2.

"No, not enough controllers," Gerard said.

I threw a cushion at him but he caught it. I snorted. "You're impossible."

He threw it back. "Stop throwing shit. Now, any more ideas?"

Frank looked at the clock. "It's six o'clock, should we make dinner?"

"No, none of you are good cooks." Gerard said automatically to which all six of us threw something at him for. He protested with little grunted 'Oof!'s.

"Why don't we just go out and eat then?" Bob asked, boredly tying and re-tying his shoelaces.

"No, you're all bad drivers."

"Gerard!" I shouted at him.

He gave me an innocent little smile. "Yes sweetie?"



"Would you two stop?" Bert asked, an annoyed look on his face. "We should order in then if Gerard's being difficult."

"No, none of you are smart enough to use a phone," Gerard retorted happily, a silly smile forming on his face.

This time we all ignored him.

"Does everyone agree with Chinese?" Ray asked, holding the phone.

We all murmured our consent, apart from Gerard who answered, "No, I don't like noodles."

"Have rice then," Mikey snapped, his right eye twitching.

Gerard stuck his tongue out at his younger brother. "No, rice is too plain. We should go to Taco Bell."

Everyone shouted at him, which seemed to inflate his mood, and I sighed, exasperated.
"Gerard, you said you didn't want to eat out!"

"No, I don't," he agreed.

"Gerard, if you don't agree with us soon, I'll staple your balls to your forehead," Frank growled.

"Okay," Gerard agreed.

We all stared at him expectantly and Ray prompted, "So?"

Gerard's smile grew bigger. "I'm not hungry."

I jumped on him and covered his mouth with my hand. "Okay, guys, let's get Chinese."

Gerard started shaking his head frantically at my decision so I warned him, "I'll fart."

He pushed me off his lap and stood up. "Okay, okay, we'll have Chinese! Just... Don't-fart."

"Finally," Bert commented. He stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet also. "While you guys order our food, we'll go change the sheets on Mikey's bed."

I gave him a confused look. "Why would we - Oh!" I giggled. "We'll be right back."

Gerard laughed at his brother while Mikey glared at us.

"Oh Carrie," Bob tutted later on, after we'd all finished dinner and everyone else was watching Die Hard inside (apart from Gerard who was with Bob and I). Gerard had just filled Bob in on the situation between Frank, Bert and I as we stood on the fire escape, watching Mikey's pigeons peck around for non-existent food. "You've got yourself in right mess, haven't you darling?"

"Oh shut up," I mumbled.

Gerard grinned and blew smoke out, flicking ash from his cigarette everywhere. "No, we won't shut up. This happens to be very funny for us."

I glared at him. "I hate you."

"No you don't," Gerard said easily, "So, what're you going to do about this?"

I shrugged as I eyed a pigeon clean his wing. "There's nothing I can do."

Bob frowned and opened his mouth to say something but Gerard caught his eye and shook his head as if to say 'don't bother'. I considered throwing one of the pigeons at him but decided I shouldn't or Mikey would be angry at me.

"Carrie!" Ray called from inside. "Phone for you!"

Gerard raised an eyebrow as I started walking inside. "Another one of your lovers?"

I looked around for a pigeon to chuck at him but they'd been onto my plan for some time and waddled off. Selfish birds.

I took the phone into Frank's bedroom and talked to the caller. When I came back out, finished with the conversation, I was a hell of a lot paler. Bert looked at me concerned. "Who was it?"

"My Mom."

Gerard pulled a face. "What did she want to talk about?"

I let out a nervous little giggle. "Er. Okay, how do I put this?" I cleared my throat and imitated my mother's voice (everyone but Bert caught on and laughed). "Your father and I are humungous show-offs and have to decide to do something less than selfish with our money. We are holding a charity ball at our place and we'd like for you and Frank to be there. Or else." I looked at Frank hopefully.

Everyone's head swiveled from me to Frank and back again. When Frank opened his mouth everyone was looking at him once more and my hope fell - he looked like he wasn't going to agree. Then Gerard shot Frank a look which made him look at me for a long time. "Yeah, of course I'll go with you," he finally said. "When is it?"

"Tomorrow night."

Frank gave me an uncomfortable look, Gerard laughed at him and Madonna licked Frank's face. 


~ My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die. Because it is not a band- it is an idea. ~

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