"Thank You For The Venom" (My Chemical Romance FanFic) - Chapter 14

Ok. So, this fanfic is not mine. It's a fic I found a few years ago (like five or four years ago) in Quizilla® -I mean, back when Quizilla was quizilla.com and not .teenick.com-. It was written by user AuroraMist, who took it down, and I don't know why.
She wrote a lot of amazing fan fictions; she's a hell of a writer. But this is definitely my favourite from her, and it is for sure the best My Chemical Romance fan fiction I've ever read. And I've read quite a few. So, I thought I'd share it -again- with the World. Cuz it's awesome, and it deserves to be read.


"Would you fucking STOP? No, bad, stop!" I yelled, half turning as to look at my pursuer. He - well I wasn't entirely sure but I wasn't gonna flip him over and find out in front of all these people on the sidewalk - didn't insist on following so I turned back around and kept on walking. It was my lunch break and I was almost running to get to the bakery to meet Gerard, like we'd planned, for something to eat. But a little someone has decided to stalk me. I heard 'him' following me again and spun around. "Stop!"

'He' cocked his head but didn't speak so I huffed and walked into the bakery which I'd conveniently stopped at. Gerard was on his feet and on his way over to me immediately. "Finally, you bitch! I thought you'd stood me up - that's never happened to me before!" He looked behind me and smirked. "Who's your friend?"

I turned and glared at 'him', who had followed me in. As I was about to explain to Gerard, an elderly plump woman came over, a shocked look on her face. "No! Excuse me miss, but you can't keep your dog in here."

My dog, my dog?! The little shit followed me all the way from the photo shoot at the studio to the bakery! I gave the pepper-haired woman a sweet smile before turning to the dog, or 'him', "Out! Get out!"

But 'he' just stayed sitting on his backside, his pink tongue lolling out, and frantically panted. I muttered 'bastard' before leaving a giggling Gerard and an anxious bakery-owner to pick the white terrier mix up and dump him outside. I came back in, smiled big and pulled Gerard over to a table after he had ordered a huge jam tart and me a straight black coffee.

"You're not eating anything?" Gerard asked, biting into the tart.


He threw out the hand holding the tart under my face and asked me, his mouth full of pastry and jam, "Sorry, did you want some?"

I laughed. "No thanks, it looks appealing though. Or maybe you're just starved."

"I'm not that hungry," he declared, biting some more off and chewing. "So," he said as he swallowed and I took a sip of my coffee, "have a nice surprise today?"

I scowled. Gerard, Bob and Ray had made good on their ... promise - no, threat - and had come in just when three other models and I were un-robbing and stepping out under the bright lights and fans. We-were-in-our-freaking-underwear. Not only that, but I was the one who had to wear the scarlet thong - which was fine with me until my friends fucking turned up. Apparently Mikey and Frank had opted to stay with my Mom and keep her from being too bored. I felt so sorry for them.

So there I was, freezing under the created wind of the rotating fan, freshly waxed (and therefore sore), already feeling the heat from the lights, and under the gaze of the director, photographer, advertising producer, Gerard, Bob ,Ray and the make-up artists (Sally, my good friend, and Lyn, Sally's sister) standing by near the camera-man.

I glared at the three men who'd just turned up as they cheered, grinned and waved. Greg, the producer who'd already met Gerard (and Bert) on a separate shoot, looked up and saw them, then groaning and shooting me an exasperated look. I knew those three wouldn't keep quiet once they were there but I didn't expect the photographer, Pierre, to consider and then go along with their suggestions. After awhile, after the initial shock had worn off, it was actually quite fun working with them, especially Bob and Gerard as they're so creative - Ray was a little more quiet.

"That was not a nice surprise, Gee," I told him.

"Oh come on, you had fun!"

"Standing around in a bra and thong in front of about ten people while my friends suggested poses isn't my idea of fun."

"It wasn't that bad," he dismissed.

"Whatever. So, where're Bob and Ray now?"

"Oh well you know that albino model-"

"For the last time, she's not an albino, she's from Scandinavia!" I said, grinning at how insistent about the matter he'd been all morning.

"Whatever. Well, they convinced her to let them show her around. They're going to meet us back at Frank's apartment in a couple of hours."

"That's so sweet!"

"They're just horny."

I hit Gerard's arm. "And you're not?"

He pouted. "Well since you got me all worked out by modeling that hot red thong, but you're 'engaged' to Frank, you could help me find a hooker-"

"Enough! Change the conversation please!"


"Gee," I warned but smilingly.

"No, Carrie, look out the window."

I looked at him, confused, so he grabbed my face and guided it so I was looking out of the window as he'd wanted. I narrowed my eyes when I saw what he'd wanted me to.

"The stupid bugger's still there!" I exclaimed, exasperated, glaring at it.

Gerard turned my face, still in his large hands, so I was looking at him again. "How can you say that?" He demanded. "Your stalker is so cute and you don't appreciate it!"

"He's not cute, he's annoying!" I protested. "And everyone thinks he's mine."

"He could be yours you know - a little water and soap and he's gone from street straight to loveable puppy pet."

"That thing is not a pet - it barks and follows and makes all the kids down the street ask you to pet it, ever if it's not mine!"

Gerard licked the last crumb off the table before peering at me through his shiny black hair and smirking. 

"You're not an animal person are you?"

"I had a goldfish." I looked away. "Yeah, that's right - me, I had a goldfish once. But the fucker died."

"A fish?"

"A little orange one. It was pretty."

"Carrie, that was just a fish, this is a living, breathing, fluffy and adorable dog we're talking about. Doesn't that sound appealing at all?"

"No," I said flatly.

"Carrie, what is wrong with you, you heartless... woman!" He stood up, grabbed my hand and tried to pull me away. "Come on."

"Gerard - what? But my coffee-" I started to object before sighing, leaving the money on the table and following Gerard. When we got outside, he dropped my hand and walked up to the dog who stared up adoringly and started wagging it's tail excitedly. "Gerard, don't pick it up, you- Gee!" I exclaimed when he did. "Gee, it probably has fleas, you don't want that in your arms!"

"Carrie, I love you like crazy cakes because you're a doll, but shush right now or I'll send out all the pictures from today to all of your living relatives."

I balled my hands into fists and shoved them onto my hips. "You don't know my family."

Gerard grinned evilly, hoisted the white animal up in his arms higher and told me, "No, I don't, but Frank does." I groaned in defeat and followed him, trying to scowl and not smile at the way the grown man I was walking with was skipping every third step he otherwise walked. When he noticed my look, he told me, "We're going to your place."

"You and I may be, but that," I pointed my finger at the dog and 'he' stretched his neck forward and licked my finger. I quickly withdrew it, "is not coming in."

Gerard didn't say anything but when he got to the apartment, he set the dog down on the floor, told it to 'stay' and then opened the door for me to go in first. I happily walked in to see Mikey, Frank and Mom sitting at the kitchen table, holding a hand of cards each and giving each other suspicious looks.

Frank's eyes darted from his cards to Mikey's biting his lip to Mom's smirk and them back at his own hand confidentially, as I looked on intrigued.

"I raise you five Skittles, two Oreos and ... a bag of Doritos."

Mom's mouth quivered as she looked at him, then her face crumpled and she accused disbelievingly. "You're bluffing."

Frank didn't say anything, he just kept his face straight and Mikey noticed this I'm guessing as he then threw down his hand and said, "I fold."

"What?!" Gerard demanded, coming into the room. "Mikey, you two cent dim-wit, you always fold."
"The stakes were too high!" Mikey defended himself.

"What did he bet?"

"Five Skittles, two Oreos and a bag of Doritos," his brother recited.

Gerard raised an eyebrow. "Dipshit you don't want to lose all that."

Frank smirked across at my mother. "Don't worry, Gee, I won't lose it."

Mom looked at my fiancée and rubbed her neck. "I fold too."

"Show 'em," I told Frank from my seat beside Mikey."

He set down the cards and all he had was a pair of twos. My Mom groaned as Frank collected his winnings. "I knew you were bluffing!"

"Dude, that was my last Fanta," Mikey said, pouting, while watching Frank opening the bottle of orange soft drink. "I don't want to play anymore."

Mom nodded in agreement and Frank shrugged while sipping Mikey's ex-Fanta. "Fine with me. I gained 20 Fantales and four Twinkies. Carrie, do you want a Twinkie?"

"No thanks. I've gotta go back on set soon so I'll eat when I've finished work."

"Can I come with?" Mikey asked me, still glaring at Frank as he devoured the winnings.

"No!" I said too quickly. "I mean, I'm sorry you can't. It's a closed set after one o'clock."

"Oh okay, next time."

I smiled and looked at him, Frank and Mom. "So you guys had fun?"

"I was a bit scared at first," Mikey admitted. "I woke up to your Mom blaring Nightwish while sweeping the floor."

I stared at my Mom, scared. "Tell me you didn't."

She shrugged. "Now your friend knows not to wake up early and walk on in my cleaning."

"Sure do," Mikey agreed, nodding indefatigably.

"So then we helped your Mom clean after I regained consciousness at eleven," Frank informed me. "And then we played Poker." He gestured around to the cards, chips and confectionary. "How was your day, baby?"

I was a bit confused at first by this but then he jerked his head slowly and unnoticeably in Mom's direction and kissed me on the forehead. Now I understood.

"It was okay but we had some unexpected guests show up on the shoot."

Frank laughed. "If Gerard says he'll watch you model, he'll turn up and watch you. Who else came?"

"Bob and Ray - they're off with one of Carrie's exotic model friends," Gerard informed us all nonchalantly 
and Mikey whimpered.

"What was if for Car .. um, Carrie, what's that behind you?"

I turned and wished I hadn't. " Fuck it's still here!" Gerard giggled and I glared at him. "Why did you let the dog in?"

"Because it would have whined if we hadn't?"

"There's a dog in here?" Mom demanded while Frank curiously approached 'him' and gently patted it's head. "You can't keep a dog in an apartment, Carrie, you have to get rid of it."

"Mom, you don't live here, maybe we could keep it," I said and Gerard whooped.

"A dog, a dog! We have a pet dog now!"

"I never said we could keep it," I argued while looking at Mom's distaste - but if it makes her uncomfortable...

Gerard got down on one knee in front of me and took one of my hands. Frank did the same and took the other hand, and together they looked up at me, "Please?" Gerard asked me.

Frank stuck out his bottom lip and made it shake. I bit my own lip to stop myself from caving but then they both gave me puppy dog looks. "Fine! But as soon as it shits near or on furniture, it's out!"

They hugged me and then set about naming 'him'. "How about 'Dizz'?" Gerard asked to which Frank snorted: "No, how about ..."

"Why don't you give it a bath and find out if it's a boy or a girl, first?" Mikey recommended.

"Okay, good idea," Frank replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him and Gerard.

I managed to escape, soap suds covered, from the small bathroom but, without my realizing, Gerard flung open the door and barreled right into me. We flew to the floor, Gerard on top of me heavily and I groaned. He apologized profusely amongst his cussing and gave me a hand to help me up. Frank stood in the doorway, confused.

"What happened?"

"I think I just squashed Carrie."

I laughed and held up my hands. "I'm fine ... just a little sore," I added, rubbing my sides.


"Oh, no," Gerard interrupted Frank. "I'm not doing anything else. You and Carrie can dry the dog seeing as I've made a mess out here."

"Gee, it's okay." I insisted but he hugged me and cut me off. I resisted the urge to tell him to squeeze me a little less as my ribs ached and I tried to breathe.

"Nah, I've got to get going anyway."

"Bye then," I said, hugging his middle while moving as little as I could. He'd practically been running out of the bathroom door, with enough force to knock the wind out of me and cause serious pain to shoot up my side. I gingerly walked back into the bathroom and Frank followed, watching me suspiciously.

"Why are you walking like that?" He asked abruptly.

I winced as I knelt down in front of the bath tub with a towel and started drying the girl dog (as we'd found out not that long ago).

"Walking like what? I'm just a little tired."

He knelt beside me, a blow dryer in hand and pointed at her, and then suddenly he poked me. I gasped and then scowled at him. "What was that for?"

"You're in pain Carrie, we should get you to the doctors."

"I'm fine," I snapped and he flinched. I sighed. "Sorry. I'll get it bandaged after I come back tonight, is that good enough for you?"

"Let's do it now," Frank countered, putting down the blow dryer and moving over to me. I cradled my middle while trying to move away but he caught me.

"No," I protested, "Frankie, stop, we have to wash the stupid dog.

Frank laughed while I continued to demur and the 'stupid dog' started barking her stupid (cute) head off. Frank stopped, set me on the counter top of the bathroom vanity and turned to the dog to try and quieten her. While he did so, I tried to wriggle my way off the counter but it hurt my ribs so I grudgingly stayed up there and watched as Frank petted the wet animal. The smell in the room now she was soaked was beyond putrid but, despite the rank smell, she wasn't so bad. She was very cute, it was hard to argue against that with her fluffy coat, big brown eyes and perky ears. Plus she was pretty well-behaved and, unfortunately, she and Frank go on very well. And I say 'unfortunately' because if I end up hating her it's going to be hard to try and get rid of her if he's attached. Frank ruffled the fur atop her head one last time, and she settled down calmly, before turning to me. He gave me a smug look.

"Couldn't find your own way down?"

"Shut up and help me down," I commanded, holding out my arms which he pushed down.

"No, we're bandaging you up."

"Fuck off! I can't do an underwear shoot with bandages on!" As soon as I said that, I clapped my hands over my mouth. He wasn't meant to find out about that - Hell, Gerard, Ray and Bob weren't meant to find out.

His eyebrows shot up. "Underwear? And I stayed here and played Poker with your mother while Gerard, Bob and Ray checked models out in just underwear?" I opened my mouth to say something to maybe placate him but then he exclaimed, "Gerard's seen my fiancée in just her underwear! I haven't even seen my fiancée in just her underwear!"

"Calm down Frankie."

"That's it, I'm definitely bandaging you up if you're not wearing clothes."

He rummaged around in the cabinet next to my head, above the basin, until he pulled out three rolls of bandages.

I stared.

"I didn't know we had bandages."

Frank nodded, lifted up my shirt, to which I yelped, and started to wrap up my ribs, sticking out his tongue with a look of focus on his face. I stared down at him, how his long, black hair fell into his vision and at how he stuck out his tongue, sucked on his bottom lip or opened his mouth when he concentrated. He suddenly looked up, satisfied, and caught me staring at him, now at his full, pink lips. He straightened and tucked some of my hair behind my ear, smiling.


I shrugged. "Nothing," I answered before licking my lips.

He smirked knowingly and leant in towards my face. I tilted my face towards his but he didn't do what I expected him to, just merely said," Do I get to keep the second copies of today's shoot?"

I hit him, while wondering why there were butterflies dancing in my stomach squealing 'Almost!' and why I was disappointed he didn't kiss me.


~ My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die. Because it is not a band- it is an idea. ~

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