"Thank You For The Venom" (My Chemical Romance FanFic) - Chapter 13

Ok. So, this fanfic is not mine. It's a fic I found a few years ago (like five or four years ago) in Quizilla® -I mean, back when Quizilla was quizilla.com and not .teenick.com-. It was written by user AuroraMist, who took it down, and I don't know why.
She wrote a lot of amazing fan fictions; she's a hell of a writer. But this is definitely my favourite from her, and it is for sure the best My Chemical Romance fan fiction I've ever read. And I've read quite a few. So, I thought I'd share it -again- with the World. Cuz it's awesome, and it deserves to be read.


As I stared at my mother in confusion as to why she was nearly three weeks early for the rehearsal dinner, Frank shoved past us to do something in the kitchen and Mom surveyed Gerard with distaste, Gerard beamed and said brightly, "Carrie, is this the mother you're always talking about?"

"Really?" Mom asked and I could see her opinion of Gerard had suddenly changed.

I glared at Gerard. "Mom, this is Gerard; Gerard, Mom."

Gerard stepped forward with his hand outstretched. "Pleasure to meet you."

She looked down at his hand as if it were covered in elephant shit. "I wish I could say the same."

I turned my glare on her now, for being so rude, while Frank laughed at Gerard's repeated opening and closing of his mouth. "Mom, stop it."

"Stop what?" She asked innocently. She looked at me, concerned. "Carrie, honey, are you okay?"

No, I wasn't. I didn't have time for my Mom to be here right now - I was sick, she'd fuss over me. I have an underwear shoot tomorrow, she'll disapprove. Gerard looked like having her here would be lots of fun for him, she'll blame whatever he does on me. Plus she didn't like Frank. The Frank, who was now trying to edge his way over without drawing attention to himself. He was unsuccessful.

"I'm fine," I dismissed. "Just a little sick."

Frank arrived next to me and held out his hand. I looked at him confused, but then I realized he had two large pills resting on his palm. "Cold & Flu tablets," he told me. He used the other hand to lift up a glass of water aswell. "And water."

I took them and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

Mom watched with narrowed eyes at this exchange and, as I downed the pills with a gulp of water, said, "Carrie, do you want me to make you some soup? You really do look ill."

"It's okay," Gerard said quickly, wrapping an arm around my waist, "Frank and I have got it covered. We were just going to tend to her with a little TLC."

"She needs her mother, not you," Mom snapped, not so gently tugging me away from Gerard's grasp.

Gerard pouted. "I can be her mother. Frank, do you believe that? She doesn't think I can be Carrie's mom!"

Frank smirked. "Gerard, stop."

"Okay... but-"

Frank shook his head and reinforced, "No."

Gerard quietened and they both looked over to where Mom sat with me at the table. "Are you okay, Carrie, what is it? It's okay, you can tell me." She paused, narrowed her eyes and asked, "You're not… pregnant, are you?"

"No!" Frank and I exclaimed at the same time. I added softer, "No, Mom, I've just got the cold, not a kid."

"Oh… Thank God!" Mom sighed and Frank glared at her.

"Mom would you stop? Now, what're you doing here for?"

"Your father's gone to Zimbabwe -"

"What?" I demanded. "But he's retired Mom!"

"I know. That's what I told him when they called. But, apparently, some US soldiers opened fire on what they thought to be a boat full of terrorists... or something." I looked at her skeptically. She may be my Mom and I love her like crazy but she can be so daft sometimes. "And, anyway, it was the US Naval Commander they got, so your Dad's been asked to fill in for the diseased. To cut a long story short, you know how much I hate being at home alone, so I thought to myself 'who do I love and not spend enough time with?' And here I am!" I stared up at her, a big smile on her face. She never says stuff like that. "Plus, I forgot to pay the cable bill so there's nothing good on the damn TV to watch."

"They don't have cable," Gerard told her.

She stared at me incredulously. "You moved out of your own apartment into your boyfriend's and expect to survive without 150, plus, channels?"

"He's my fiancée… and we love each other."

"Well a fat load of good that seems to be doing you - you work all day at that stupid bookstore, you look like shit, you have his friend sponging off of you, the apartment's a mess and you don't have cable."

"Okay, first of all, if you read you wouldn't think the bookstore as stupid," I started. "And I don't look like shit, I'm sick-"

"Still, honey, just because you're sick doesn't mean you have to look completely unattractive. Can't you put in even a little bit of effort to look your usual pretty self?"

"Mom, I don't care about that right now. I have a job tomorrow; I'll have heaps of people around me to worry about that."

"A job, what kind?"

"Just a magazine ad."

"Oh really?" She asked, looking interested. "Maybe I should tag along and watch-"

"No!" I almost shouted. "No, you should stay here and... and..." I looked at Frank for help.

"Clean?" he suggested.

"Yes. You should stay here and clean, tomorrow," I completed, nodding enthusiastically.

Mom looked around at the disorganized shelves and the piled up junk, and nodded. "Okay, I guess. So, I put my bags in the biggest bedroom, is that where I'll be sleeping?"

I looked at Frank nervously but he was smiling at Mom, "Sure."

"Okay, Mom, I'll just go and get you settled in," I said, walking her to the bedroom. I turned around and mouthed to Frank 'thank you so much'.

'You owe me' he mouthed back.

"So," Mom started when I walked into the bedroom after her, and once we were alone, "that's the Gerard you mistook me for once?"


"On the phone," she said patiently.

"Oh! Oh yeah. He's a great guy, I promise."

"Well, I usually trust your judgment so I'll believe you. Am I putting you and Frank out by sleeping here?"

"No, it's okay. We can just go to my apartment since it's still under my name."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Oh and if you wake up during the night and there's a kid watching old horror movies on the couch, please don't scream and attack him. He's Mikey and he lives with us."

"Okay... well I'm just going to go to bed now."

"Would you like some dinner first?"

"No, I've already had some. Good night Carrie."

"'Night Mom."

I closed the door behind me and practically collapsed on the waiting Frank. He laughed and picked me up, then settling me down on the couch next to Gerard. "Frankie, I'm sorry about her," I said, pouting.

He pinched my cheeks. "It's okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. We can just go and crash at your place for the next couple of weeks, right?"

"My thoughts exactly-"

"What about me?"

Frank raised an eyebrow. "Gerard, you have your own place."

"But now Carrie's Mom is here and I want to stick around and see what happens - could be funny," Gerard said, grinning. "Besides, I wanna tag along to Carrie's photo shoot tomorrow and check out all the models."

I gave Gerard a warning look. "Gee, remember that time how you jumped into every frame and pretended to be a model?"


"Don't do that. My boss wasn't very happy with how you and Bert kept on mooning the cameras."

"But Bert's not here this time, it'll just be me," He protested innocently.

"I don't care. We don't want your pale ass in the way this time and I mean it."

"Fine, I won't interfere," he sighed.

I hugged his neck. "Thank you. If you promise to keep your body parts clothed and away from the set, you 
can come."

"Thank you."

"I'm coming too," Frank announced.

"Good, good. Now, shush," Gerard commanded. " Stan had a heart attack and they're all gambling on Karen's emotional stability."

I looked at the television screen too and we all watched Will & Grace in silence, with Frank sprawled across mine and Gerard's laps, until the apartment's front door slammed shut.

"I'm home!" A voice bellowed. "Bring me my beer!" We looked up to see Mikey walk in and I smiled when he blushed upon seeing me. "Oh, hi Carrie."

"Hey Mikey," I greeted.

"Are you okay? You look sick."

I smiled again. "I am sick - plus my mother's here."

Mikey looked around. "She is? Where?"

"In Frank's bed but she's asleep so you can't meet her right now. I warned her about your nightly habits so, don't worry, she won't call the police or anything the first time she sees you."

"But if she's in Frank's bed where are you two sleeping?" Mikey asked, dropping the worn backpack he'd been holding to the floor and briefly looking at the TV screen.

"We're going to my place to sleep from now on," I answered, pushing Frank off of me and patting my knee. "C'mere Mikey."

Gerard watched curiously as Mikey started to walk over but Frank picked himself up from the ground and pulled me to my feet, so Mikey took my place on the couch instead.

"I wanna go for a walk, Carrie. Carrie, take me for a walk," Frank insisted while picking up our jackets and guiding me out of the apartment by my hand. I laughed and waved 'good bye' to the brothers before trotting to keep up.

"Frankie, where are we going?"

"There's a park two blocks away and there's a church choir singing there tonight."

I looked up at him and smiled. "Frank, you hate choirs."

"But you love them."

I squealed and pounced on him right there on the sidewalk. We fell over all the way onto the pavement, me on top of poor Frank, laughing giddily and attracting a lot of attention. We finally pulled ourselves together and got to our feet when a police car pulled up beside us, and the officers inside asked us if we were alright. After we'd assured them we were, we raced each other to the park - I won of course. Frank's smoking the whole way didn't exactly help. After sitting on the swings (which wed... acquired by telling a group of kids they were selling FREE fairy floss under a nearby tree. They glared at us the whole time after they'd realized there was no fairy floss), listening and watching the choir (which was hard to do with Frank because he really hated them), we again ran back to the apartment. Frank almost beat me this time but towards the end he stopped to cough and splutter a bit.

"See," I taunted as we walked into the building, "if you didn't smoke, you'd have beaten me."

"But you're sick," he whined, "You weren't supposed to win."

"I'm just better than you Iero, admit it."

"NEVER! Hey, why are you going up the stairs? Let's take the elevator."

"We can't take the elevator!" I protested as he gripped me around the waist and pulled me away from the staircase.

"Why not?" He asked, obviously amused.

"Because it's my arch nemesis and it never ever works for me."

"You're a fucking nut, Carrie," Frank informed for me as he let me go and stepped up to the elevator. "It worked for me just yesterday."

"Well, that's because it knows you can't take part in most physical activities because of your smoking, and that you'd have an aneurysm if you tried to climb the stairs the whole way."

"I repeat: you're a fucking nut," Frank muttered. He pushed the button repeatedly but no lights appeared as if normal with elevators, and it ignored him. Typical behavior. Eventually Frank gave up on it and looked at my smirking face. "Fine, you were right," he groaned, "Let's take the stairs."

I giggled and dragged a glaring fiancée all the way to his apartment, where we checked on everyone else. Gerard had fallen asleep on the couch, a bowl of still warm popcorn resting on his stomach as it softly moved up and down with his breathing; and with the TV still on but with the sound turned right down. My Mom was asleep, sprawled all the way across the mattress in a way that made Frank purse his lips at the way she was making a mess out of his bed - I rolled my eyes. It's not as if he ever attempted to make it or change the sheets or anything, I always do that now. And lastly, Mikey was dozing off on the fire escape with a comic book in his hands and a plate of cold hot-chips resting near his head. We convinced him his bed was more comfortable, bode him good night and travelled the short distance to my apartment, the stolen bowl of Gerard's popcorn with Frank.

Frank and I both quickly changed into some other clothes to sleep in - shorts and a tank top for me and simply boxers for Frank- before crawling under the blankets of my huge bed. He placed the popcorn between us and then scrambled around everywhere, in search of the remote to turn the TV on. I bit my lip and fought the urge to tell him it was sitting behind his head. When he finally found it, he glared at me and refused to let me have a say in what we watched, which was fine with me as I fell asleep really quickly.

But Frank started prodding me soon after.

"Carrie, Carrie, Carrie, Carrie ... are you up yet?"

"What?!" I demanded irritably as I swatted his annoying hands away, blearily looking around. He was hovering right over me.

"Nothing ... we just haven't had dinner yet...

I groaned; was that all? 

"What happened to Gerard's popcorn?"

"I ate it."

"All of it?! What if I wanted some?"

He looked at me with wide-eyed innocence. "But you were asleep!"

"I was but you woke me up, didn't you Frankie?"

"Well... yes... but I was hungry!"

"Go to sleep and you won't be hungry anymore," I instructed, throwing my arm over my eyes and trying to ignore how he was rubbing his nose against my neck.

"But then I'll have to have a doubly as big breakfast."

"Frankie..." I whined as I moved my head in the way so he couldn't rub my neck anymore.

"Fine but if we can't have dinner can we at least have dessert?"

I made a big show of getting up and slowly making my way to the kitchen while Frank contentedly returned his attention to his choice of Cheers - only because I hate the show, I swear- on the TV. He came running in when I let out a really loud scream in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?"

I looked up at him from my spot on the floor, the farthest I could get from the fridge. "There's a fucking mouse in the fucking fridge!"

He pulled out a cigarette, lit it and put it in his mouth, smirking at me. "This brings back memories, eh?"

"Fucking mouse... fucking fridge ... fucking ... GAH!"

He grinned as he walked over to the fridge and opened it. "It's just a little one."

I opened my mouth, closed it, opened it again and emitted another, "Gah!"

When Frank had deposited of the mouse - out of the window against my protests of 'Gah!' - he turned to me and smiled. "All gone, you big girl."

"Thank you," I responded meekly.

He scooped me up, dropped me into bed, followed me in after turning the TV off and said 'good night'.


~ My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die. Because it is not a band- it is an idea. ~

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