"Thank You For The Venom" (My Chemical Romance FanFic) - Chapter 12

Ok. So, this fanfic is not mine. It's a fic I found a few years ago (like five or four years ago) in Quizilla® -I mean, back when Quizilla was quizilla.com and not .teenick.com-. It was written by user AuroraMist, who took it down, and I don't know why.
She wrote a lot of amazing fan fictions; she's a hell of a writer. But this is definitely my favourite from her, and it is for sure the best My Chemical Romance fan fiction I've ever read. And I've read quite a few. So, I thought I'd share it -again- with the World. Cuz it's awesome, and it deserves to be read.


"Stop being such a fucking dipshit, Frank!" I heard Gerard's voice say the next morning as I slowly woke up but kept my eyes firmly shut. 

"She's gotta wake up some time why can't it be now?" He whined.

"Because she had a rough day yesterday and I think she mentioned she was beginning to get a cold."

There was a silence until Gerard broke it with, "Stop fucking lying to me and let me wake her up."

"I'm not lying and fuck! I told you a million fucking times: no."

"What if she subconsciously wants me to wake her up? Huh?"

"Oh yeah, Gerard, sure. 'Cause her mind is really thinking: 'where's Gerard when you need him?'."

"Well maybe it is. Just fucking wake her up, she'll get over it."

I squinted my eyes and looked through the slits to see Gerard looking, frustrated, at Frank, whose back was facing me. I quickly closed them again when Frank twisted his torso around slightly to look at me. I don't think he caught me looking at them... awake...


"Look, dipshit, I know she's cute asleep and all but she's got to wake up sometime."

"Gerard, she's sick."

"How the fuck will you know she's sick if you don't fucking wake her up?"

"But what if she is fucking sick and we unnecessarily wake her up when she should be asleep healing?"

"Stop fucking complicating it."

"But she might be fucking sick!"

Before Gerard could retort, I sat up - slowly and painfully- in bed and croaked out, "Shut up you bogans. Gee, I am sick and Frank, you were complicating it."

Frank leant against the doorframe and looked at me coolly while Gerard rushed over to my side. "You're sick? Oh no, poor baby! Does it hurt? Of course it hurts! Tell Mommy Gerard where it hurts."

I laughed and pushed him lightly away when he tried to hug me. "Don't - you might catch it."

Gerard jumped back as though he'd been scorched, suddenly not so intent on comforting me with a cuddle, and declared, "I must go disinfect myself!" before prancing out of Frank's bedroom.

I raised my eyebrows and told Frank, "I worry about him sometimes."

One corner of his mouth lifted up. "We all do."

"Not that I don't love him... but why's he here?"

"He wants to do something with us."

"What would this 'something' be?" I asked, easing the covers off and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I have no idea. But, knowing Gerard, it could be anything."

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough," Gerard told us as he sauntered back into the room. "Now, up Carrie and into that shower - do you need some help?"

"I've got a cold not paralysis - I can walk myself."

"I meant in the shower."

"Oh... I think I can manage by myself... thanks."

"No problem. Remember: just call out if you need anything and I'll be under that water, naked and ready."

I shook my head as I walked from Frank's room and to the bathroom, finding clothes randomly here and there, and thankfully new underwear. When I finished showering, brushing, spraying, clothing, etc, I walked back into Frank's room where the boys were lying on the unmade bed, Gerard trying to braid Frank's fringe.

"Hey Carrie?" Gerard sung, not looking up from Frank's brown locks.


"Do you have a brush?"

"No. Why?"

"You're female and you don't have a brush?"

"So? I bet you don't brush your hair."

He glared at me and shook the unkempt hair off his face. "I don't need to - I have testicles and no boobs - who cares if I'm not groomed?"

I rolled my eyes before turning on my heel. "I left it in the bathroom."

"Thank you!" he called after me.

Ten minutes later; after Gerard had been given and brush and groomed Frank's hair into a very girly style, and Frank had shaken it out whilst glaring at his friend; Gerard was ushering us both out of the door as if we'd been the reason to the delay of leaving.

"Out, out, out you go! God, I can't believe you took so fucking long. Honestly, you two, doing each others fucking hair. Couldn't you have fucking waited? Carrie, don't look at me like that, we're fucking late and we can't waste anymore time!"

"Where are we going, Gerard?" Frank asked.

"Don't take that tone with me dipshit. And you'll see."

"But-" I started to protest, only to be interrupted.

"No Carrie. No more talking, just fucking walk."

"Don't talk to her like that!"

"Stop talking dipshit and follow me ... We're off to see the wizard."

"I hate you Gerard Arthur Way!" I screamed when we arrived.

"Aw, you don't mean that."

"Yes I do! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

"You'll get over it, love. I grow on people, you know."

"So does fungus!" I retorted.

Frank quickly changed his laughter into hacking coughs, averting his gaze from Gerard's glare to a couple gliding past, holding hands to support each other around the rink, taking another long drag on his cigarette.

"Anyway, the point is that there is no fucking way I will let you teach me how to ice skate."

"You should know how to by now anyway," Gerard chastised me.

"Not necessarily," Frank said.

I turned to him hopefully. "Do you know how to ice skate?"

"I didn't ... until Gerard forced me to learn."

"I did not FORCE you."

"Well, I didn't exactly want to. In fact I wanted to not know how to run around on ice in those things."

"Shut up dipshit, you love it."

Frank stopped watching the passing skaters to look at Gerard. "No I don't. Now you shut up and start torturing Carrie."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why are you on his side? You said last night we'd get a copy of your key for me and go ring-shopping today!"

Frank's eyes widened. "Oh yeah! See Gerard? We can't ice-skate today, we already have plans."

Gerard looked from Frank to me repeatedly and pathetically. "You guys don't want to spend time with me?"

"Of course we do, Gee, but-"

"Oh good," he interrupted me, hooking arms with myself and Frank on either side and walking us away from the rink. "'Cause I was thinking you guys don't want me around. So let's go do what you guys have got to do and then we'll come back here to skate."

I looked up at him, exasperated, but he just smiled at me innocently and I couldn't protest.

"Where to Frank?"

He led us to a long and busy street which had three jewelry stores and we looked through the first two of them, not finding a piece Frank or I liked. We were in the third store, trailing behind an overly enthusiastic Gerard, who was scrutinizing each and every piece of jewelry (whether ring or not) as if he was my fiancée.

"Frank it's all over-priced and too flashy," I finally said, stopping next to a necklace stand which Gerard had suddenly taken a keen interest in. He was reminding me - apart from all the swearing- of a sugar-injected kid.

Frank nodded. "I know. But the price doesn't matter so if you do see something you like, tell me."

"Do we really need a ring?"

"Yes! My Mom will throttle me if she gets here for the dinner in a couple of weeks and I haven't got you one."

"I don't think it's important." I shrugged.

"Me neither but we have to keep both sets of parents happy."

"This whole wedding is a big keep mom and dad happy event."

"I know but we have to do it and we have to do it properly. Because if we don't, Mom and your mom will get together and try to do it."

I laughed. "They'd kill each other."

Frank shook his head. "Mom really liked you when she talked to you on the phone last week. If it meant hurting you, Mom wouldn't do it."

Awww, that's so sweet, I thought.

"Well, Mom's being a nightmare right now, so if your mom offered, I'd let her."


"Guys, guys!" Gerard interrupted us excitedly. "I think I've found one!"

Frank and I looked at each other wearily (Gerard had too much energy for us) before following him to a display right at the back of the fairly large shop.

"They must keep the best at the back," Gerard enthused, pushing us forward. "It's-"

"Fucking beautiful," Frank finished for him, grinning as he looked at it, and Gerard stood back proudly.

It was fucking beautiful. Instead of traditional gold, it was silver, and instead of traditional diamonds, it was ruby encrusted, but with smaller diamonds surrounding. The design looked Celtic.

"It's gorgeous," I agreed, studying it.

"Thanks Gerard."

"No problem dipshit."

I jumped back after reading the price tag. "Maybe we should look at some others."

"What?!" Gerard demanded. "But it's perfect!"

"Have you seen the price?" I spluttered.

Frank merely glanced at the number before shrugging. "I can handle it."

I stared at him. "No, that's ridiculous."

"But, unlike the others, it's worth it."


Gerard clamped a hand over my mouth. "Carrie, he's stubborn, just let him get it."

I glared at them both before finally nodding. After getting the ring (it fit perfectly, first try) we went and got a copy made of Frank's apartment key, but decided against going ice-skating since the boys insisted I looked really sick.

"Fire engine red," Gerard told me while Frank nodded, as we walked back.

I brought my hands up to my cheeks and pressed my palms against them. "Really?"

"Yeah," Frank agreed. "I think we have some Cold & Flu tablets at home, don't worry."


"Hey guys," Gerard called, ahead of us, " is the door meant to be unlocked?"

When we got inside and saw the person sitting there in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, I felt my stomach lurch.

"Mom... what are you doing here?"


~ My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die. Because it is not a band- it is an idea. ~

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