AHS 30 Days Challenge: Day 29

A letter to Ryan Murphy.
Alrighty then... but I'm gonna dedicate it to both of them (I mean, Ryan and Brad), so...

Dear Murchuk:
First of all: I love you so freaking much.
Secondly: what's the fuck up with the fourth child?! And by that I mean: where the Hell is he or she?! Is it a 'he' or a 'she'? What is the order of the Langdon children? Why was Constance so obsessed with the house prior to her children dying? Why did Tate killed Chad and Patrick? He could've just waited for them to leave, they were going to at some point (of course: AHS without Chad just wouldn't have been AHS -> lovely character, and I love, love Zac Quinto; cheers for that). Why do Charles and Nora never appear together while being ghosts? We all know they hated each other, but as to never talk to each other again? Seriously? Why the fuck was Larry so freaking obsessed with Constance?! DEAR GOD?! Why did Vivien stick with Ben when she should've left him long, long time before moving to La-La-Land? I think that's about it with complaining...
On a lighter note: thank you for writing Violet's character. She is so damn perfect. How did you managed to make Tate so irresistible while being a mass murderer? And how did you come up with the brilliant idea of Moira having two "suits"? -> that was really, really clever.
Anyway: thanks for reading...
Yours, truly.
Emily Blame.

*End Of Transmission*

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