AHS 30 Days Challenge: Day 22

If You were to Live in the Murder House, Would you want to be Alive or Dead?
DEAD! Out of the question. Mostly 'cause if I were alive I'd be really, really scared of getting killed all the time. Not good for my sanity, if I'd ever had one. But, if I'm already dead, I could scare people and shit. Yeah, I'm a bad person. Besides, being able to hang out with Violet should be pretty awesome (:

I'm still trying to figure out why the heck the house doesn't have the fence in this picture... any clues?

And Tate's there ♥... and Hayden -> we could do so many crazy things together. I could play with Beau, too. Be mischievious with Bryan and Troy...
Getting out only for Halloween sounds like a sweet deal.
Yep. I pretty much have my after-life planned in the Murder House xD


*End Of Transmission*

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