AHS 30 Days Challenge: Day 18

What Character(s) do you Want to Learn More about?
Well, this might surprise you, but one of the characters I want to learn more about is Billie Dean Howard.

Yep. Even though I thought she was a phony half the time, I still think there's something more to her that just a crazy psychic.

Also, this might not surprise you at all: I'd like to know more about the Langdons. Particularly Constance and Tate.

I'd like to know what other horrors Constance has gone through in her life. How she got to L.A. How she really found out about her husband (Hugo) cheating on her with the maid (Moira). Where the heck is the fourth child... you know? Normal stuff fans ask themselves.

And what drove Tate to do drugs and kill people for no appearent reason. Why is he so obsessed with protecting Violet from everyone and everything. Why he has so many mommy issues. How was he before he went nuts.

*End Of Transmission*

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