American Horror Story Casting for Season 2


[TERESA] Mid 20s. Caucasian, Latin, or Asian, Very sexy. She is the other half of “The Lovers” – her fiance will be played by Adam Levine. RECURRING GUEST STAR

[ALMA] Mid 20s, African American, beautiful. RECURRING GUEST STAR

[THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOY IN THE WORLD] 20 to 29, open to all ethnicities, would prefer shoulder-length hair, but do not limit your submissions. RECURRING GUEST STAR

[TEENAGE BOY CONTORTIONIST] 15 to 20, we are looking for an actor who is skilled at being a contortionist. Please only submit actors who have experience. GUEST STAR
Source: Rhoswen7
First of: Hi, again. Yes, I'm back! Finally...
Secondly: This is just weird. And a little bit awkward to be honest. 
I couldn't think of anybody to play these roles. Tough I have to admit, when I read "contortionist" the first person that came to mind was Misha Collins- Awesome Misha Collins. But, well... let's just say he's not a teenage boy anymore. I love him through sunshine and storm and he would definetely kill an American Horror Story character. I'd love, love, love to see that (:
Not gonna happen, I know. Dreaming is free.

*End Of Transmission*

P.S.: American Idol 11 fans: There's a Colton Dixon post coming up...

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