Hoppus On Music Orange County Music Special

Frank goes to Orange County to interview bands that include Avenged Sevenfold, Thrice, and Pennywise as part of the Hoppus On Music program.

Frank (My Chem) & Zacky (Avenged Sevenfold).

Old Stomping Ground

Truthies and Falsies

Avenged Avenges Frank


A Sh#!tty Gig

A Skull...with Bat Wings

OMG!!! *Truthies and Falsies*
Frank: "[...] Did my mom, two months later in the month of december, also gave birth to a second baby, the product of a secret relationship bewteen her and the famous magician Criss Angel? And named that baby Zachary Vengeance?"
Zacky: "Yes, probably."
Frank: "That's actually false, my mother is a fucking saint. So, please."
Zacky: "I'm wrong..."
Frank: "Sorry. Okay!
zacky: "I thought- I thought I had you there."
Frank: "No. That one... that was a trick question and er..."
Zacky: "I see how you play."
Frank: "I'm a little bit pissed off."
Priceless (:

*A Skull... with Bat Wings*

Frank: "If the skulls are badass, and bats are badass... when you put them together it's like a PB&J! You know that I mean?"
Zacky: "Agree...!"

So. Fucking. Awesome.


*End Of Transmission*

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