Frank Iero is father again (:

Well, apparently, Jamia was pregnant again and I never knew. Not that I had to... I mean, they're people, they have their own lives, right? Anyways: I was super happy to read this on twitter® today (:

Thanks for all the congrats & well wishes! Mommy & baby are well. Miles spent his first day alive consistently pissed & devilishly handsome.
The handsome young fellow was born yesterday: April 6th. So, he's an aries, like his good uncle Gee, who's birthday is coming in two short days -> man, I love, love, love that guy x3
I've got to admit that given the twins' names (Lily & Cherry) I was expecting something crazy, but "Miles" is actually pretty normal. I always loved that name, and "Miles Iero" sounds sooooo goooood (: I love it! Welcome to the MCR family, kiddo :D


*End Of Transmission*

1 comment:

  1. Great note!! so miles hu?.. well I have to admit I agree with you... it´s not too crazy but it sounds good... :)
