American Horror Story: Murder House Timeline

When I watched American Horror Story all over again for the second time, I thought it'd be fun to make a timeline for the death's in Murder House.
And this is what I got:


The year that started it all. The House was built by Dr. Charles Montgomery as a gift to his lovely (and totally nuts) wife, Nora Montgomery. Where they lived happily ever after with their new-born child, Thaddeus, until...


... Nora killed the fuck out of Charles because he brought "Thaddeus" back to life after he was kidnapped and mutilated by a very crazy -sick- motherfucker who found out his girlfriend (a young Hollywood actress) had had an abortion by said Dr. Montgomery. Not only Nora shot Charles in the head, but she also killed their brand new Thaddeus (aka: The Infantata, from now on) and herself, because, you know... it was the sensible thing to do (?).

For the next twenty years we know practically nothing about Murder House. The only thing we know is that around 1947 the house was occupied by Dr. Curan.  


Dr. Curan was a well known dentist -apparently- who liked to... how do I put this? Rape his clients while they were down. What a lovely, lovely dentist! So, one day, this young beautiful -very broke Hollywood actress-wannabe- woman knocked on his door. The name was Elizabeth Short. And she was willing to throw herself at him as payment after the treatment, but I think we can well guess that Dr. Curan was a little bit stupid and he didn't get the idea; he put her down and raped her anyways. When he tried to wake her he realized he had overdozed her and killed her. But no worries! Dr. Montgomery came in handy severing the poor young girl's dead body in pieces. And she finally got what she wanted: newspapers' front page as The Black Dahlia.

I presume Dr. Curan moved the hell out of Murder House after that, but we don't know anything about who lived in the house until...



The House was transformed into a nurse kinda frat. And luckily for the nurses living there, there was a serial killer in town who so happened to hate nurses: R. Franklin. Sick bastard. Only nurse Gladys (a really nice chubby woman) and nurse Maria (your tipical everyday church girl) were in the house that night, when R. Franklin knocked on their door pretending to be hurt with the line, "I'm in pain and needing some help." I've got to give it to him, he was good. Anyways: he drowned Gladys in the second floor bathroom, and stabbed Maria several times in the back in the living room.

After that, the house was abandoned at some point, because...


... when the Redheaded Twins came in picture with their oxford pants and striped t's, the house was practically in ruins. Troy and Bryan thought it'd be fun to just walk into that huge house with some baseball bats and smash the heck out of it. It was real fun until they went down the basement and found themselves trapped in The Infantata's claws. I wonder why Nora didn't stop Thaddeus from killing the twins; not that they deserved the mercy, but...

BTW: Adelaide was around six years old at the moment. And Tate was a one-year-old baby (a beautiful, beautiful baby, I bet).

Between 1978 and 1994 the Langdons lived in Murder House twice. However, somewhere between 1984 and 1994 the Harveys lived there. And it goes kind of like this:


Constance Langdon finds out her husband, Hugo Langdon had cheated on her with the maid. Said maid being Moira O'Hara. And, as crazy as she is, she decides that she ain't gonna take any shit from either of them and shoots the Hell out of both of them. Eye-shot for Moira (priceless). Three shots to the chest for Hugo. Then she buried Moira in the back yard and fed Hugo to the dogs.



A seven-year-old Tate sees for the first time The Infantata, who was willing to kill the fudge out of him if Nora wasn't there to tell him to, "Go away." It was there when Tate developed the Oedipus complex with Nora.

~Somewhen between 1984 and 1994~

The Harveys lived in Murder House, and Larry fell in love with Constance. When he told his wife (Lorraine) about leaving her and their two daughters (Margaret and Angela) for Constance and that they had to leave Murder House so that he and the Langdons could live happily ever after there, Lorraine lost control of the wheel and killed herself along with her daughters by setting all three of them on fire inside the kid's bedroom.


Constance moved her family into Murder House once more to live as Larry's -twisted- wife. The goverment was gonna take Beauregard away from her, obviously, because she had him chained up in the attic like an animal; and she decided that the right thing to do was to kill him, so she sent Larry on a mission to sofocate the poor Beau in his sleep.

Tate, a seventeen-year-old troubled teenager, realized what Larry had done. He also knew about what happened to Larry's family before they moved back in. And he decided to avenge his brother -and maybe the Harveys- by setting Larry on fire. In his own office. How cool is that?!
But Tate was high as a kite and he went to school and shot and killed fifteen classmates (some of he didn't even know by name). As a result, he commited suicide by cop. Or should we say "suicide by S.W.A.T."? Anyways, eight men from that division shot him in the chest and killed him. Inside Murder House.

We don't know anything from that year on, until... 


Chad and Patrick lived in Murder House. More specifically: Halloween. For a couple of months now, Chad and Pat (who were planning to adopt a baby) had been fighting over... I don't even know what about. But they were having some issues, and they were kind of deciding not to adopt the baby after all. Because Nora wanted a baby so bad, when Tate (and his Oedipus complex) found out that Chad and Pat weren't having a baby anymore, he thought the best thing to do was to kill them so new people would move into the house and maybe they would like to have babies. His reasoning kind of made sense but... why couldn't he just properly drown Chad? And was the fire-poker really necesary? He could've just scared them away and waited for new people to move in.


This was a busy year for Murder House. First of: the Harmons moved into the house all the way from Boston to L.A. after Vivien had a nasty miscarriage which led Ben (psychiatrist/teacher and poor example of a husband) to cheat on her with a student (Hayden McClain), and Violet (seventeen-year-old daughter) to start cutting herself.

They had only lived there for less than a month when three psychos got into the house and tried to recreate R. Franklin's "Nurse Kill-Off". Ben wasn't in the house because he was too busy trying to convince Hayden to have an abortion back in Boston because, yeah: even though he was trying to save his marriage, he still cheated on Vivien (who was currently pregnant again). Luckily for Vivien and Violet, he had been treating Tate for his "coo-coo-ness", and he and Violet had bonded (of course, Violet didn't know he was dead), so he was there to save them from the three murderers. Violet was playing Gladys and Vivien was playing Maria in the recreation. Tate cut one of the psycho girls practically in half with an axe (my hero), and led the other one to the basement. Vivien, on the other hand, smashed the ashtray into the psycho guy's head until he passed out, took Violet and ran away from the house.

The guy walked alone into the basement, and they both were killed by Maria and Gladys' -very angry- ghosts. The one that Tate attacked walked a few blocks until she dropped dead.
Days before Halloween, Hayden appeared in Murder House trying to make Ben take care of their unborn child she was carrying in her womb, 'cause she obviously didn't have the abortion. And between screaming and yelling, Larry bashed her in the face with a shovel.

Nicely done, Larry. But, no worries, no worries. Larry buried her in the same spot as Moira and made Ben build a gazebo over her unmarked grave.

In Halloween, someone hit and ran Addie over because she couldn't watch the street because her -really bad- mother had made her wear a mask in order to be disguised as a "pretty girl".


When Violet found out about everything Tate had done (and we're only talking about the school shooting), she went crazy. To make it all worse, Constance told Violet her little boy was dead but didn't know and it was Violet's job to help him cross to the other side. It was too much for Violet, so she tried to kill herself by swallowing down a whole jar of sleeping pills (she got from a friend at school)... and, as we all know: she succeded.

At some point, Constance started 'dating' a young model-wannabe guy: Travis Wanderly. One day they had a fight, and as he was walking the dog around, he met Hayden. She tricked him into having sex with her, 'cause she wanted to know if she could still do it with a living person (always thinking about Ben); and she also wanted to release some stress. But one day, sex wasn't enough, so she fucking stabbed Travis. And to hide the body, Dr. Montgomery lent his services and made himself another Black Dahlia, called this time: "Boy Dahlia". Larry disposed the body.

FYI: Phil The Exterminator was also killed in the house, because he had dicovered where Violet's body lied. Tate made him swallow his own poinson as he said: "You're a murderer. You need to pay for what you've done!", or something like that.

When Vivien gave birth to the twins (one of them being Tate's, the other one Ben's), her and Ben's baby was born dead. And Vivien died after she gave birth to the second child. Tate's child.
After watching his family die before his eyes, Ben was convinced he wanted to be dead too. He tried to kill himself, but Vivien and Violet stopped him and told him he had to make sure the baby was ok and out of Murder House. But when Ben was just leaving the house, Hayden found him and killed him. She made it looke like suicide, as if he had hung himself from the first floor.
Constance found Hayden down in the basement, sitting on a rocking chair with the baby in her arms. Travis came in help for Constance and she ended up raising the kid.


Although this wasn't inside Murder House itself, I thought it was worth mentioning: Constance went to the salon to give some shape to her 80's haircut one morning and when she came back, little three-year-old Michael (Tate and Vivien's child/Constance's grandson) had killed Flora (his nany) over some cookies. That sick little psycho.

Long story short: who died, when, and in whose hand.

1920: The house was built by Dr. Charles Montgomery.
1926: Thaddeus, Charles, Nora Montgomery. (by Nora Montgomery).
1947: Elizabeth Short (by Dr. Curan).
1968: Maria and Gladys (by R. Franklin).
1978: Redheaded Twins (by The Infantata).
1983: Moira O'Hara, Hugo Langdon (by Constance Langdon).
1984-1994: Lorraine, Margaret, Angela Harvey (by Lorraine Harvey).
1994: Beau Langdon (Larry Harvey), Tate Langdon (S.W.A.T.).
2010: Chad and Patrick (by Tate Langdon).
2011: The three psychos to recreate R. Franklin's homicide (one by Tate, two by Maria and Gladys), Hayden McClain (by Larry Harvey), Adelaide Langdon (hit & run), Violet Harmon (by herself), Travis Wanderly (by Hayden McClaine), Phil The Exterminator (by Tate Langdon), Vivien & Ben's baby (born dead), Vivien (giving birth), Ben (by Hayden).


*End Of Transmission*

1 comment:

  1. OU-EM-GEE!!!! Lovely, really lovely... !
