AHS 30 Days Challenge: Day 31

BONUS: What Ever You Want.
AHS RANDOM POST!!! I needed this day so badly xD
First of: I'm gonna take a moment to post this very special .gif:

Where would I be without American Horror Story? Crying out loud in a bathroom stall asking myself if it's worth living without a good series anymore... haha.
Then, I wanna post this photo, I think I never posted it before. But it's so darn cute, that I have to (this blog is just an excuse).

Who can be so freaking good looking and adorable and psycho all at the same time? Evan Peters. There's only one correct answer. Evan. Fucking. Peters.

When he does this... it hurts. I just wanna hug him until I die...

Cheers for Taissa, people! I love, love, love this girl. Violet is one of my favorite characters, and I think she plays it perfectly. Just look at that face! She is totally saying "I don't give a shit about what you think of me". I. Love. Her.

I had to post these two. I don't even remember where I took them. I guess The Evan Peters Zone, 'cause I spent most of my time there xD I think the idea of these two gifs together is really, really clever.
Wrapping up: you should've known that a "what ever you want" post about AHS was going to be a Tate/Violet one, so... no surprise in that. And, if you ended up here, but somehow you never watched American Horror Story before then... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! IS THE BEST SERIES EVER!!! ♥


*End Of Transmission*

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